Resources & FAQs

Every platform is slightly different and we understand that sometimes finding something on the platform may not always be immediately obvious. We have tried to make a members area that is as clear but if you have any issues or confusion, please look at the FAQ's below or get in touch and we would be happy to help! 

If your issue is not a technical but relates to training then we recommend you book either an online consultation or an in person session. 

Frequently asked questions

Where do I start?

For the first half of 2024 we are releasing each element of the programme. We would recommend you start with the Confident & Connected Transformation. This will take you through Level 1, which includes all of the theory and basic exercises needed to start to work with your horse

In February we will release Level 2 and run a transformation to help you navigate that. 

In the mean time there are audios and other transformations available for you to dip in and out of! 


If you have a question about the website or the programme there are a few ways to reach out to us. 
  1. Check this page to see if your question has been answered already. 
  2. Go to the "community" space and head to the chat area called "Tech Support" and post your question there. 
  3. Email us - 
  4. Book a coaching call or lesson - if your question relates to training then it could mean you need a lesson to help you move forwards, we offer online and inperson coaching here

What is the difference between THE 3 Levels & THE transformationS?

The main programme is a 3 level programme that any horse young or old would complete if they were training in our barn. If a horse has worked through this programme they have a great foundation - ready to take on most things in life! 

If you wanted to start a young horse, or make sure your horse has a complete foundation this programme is the one to work through. 

The transformations are all about having fun with your horse, they will focus on a specific theme or objective and aim to level you up, or give you a structure plan over a specific time period. It is assumed when doing a transformation that your horse has already covered the elements of the 3 level foundation programme, so that they can get the most out of the transformations!

How do I download PDFs, AUDIOS & OTHER elements?

With some programme activities, such as audios or PDFs there is the option to download them so that you can take them with you and use them offline. 

When this is an option a paperclip icon will appear at the top right of your course player screen. Unfortunately it is a TINY icon. This is not something we can change, so in an effort to help you not miss it we have included an image of it below: 

What is the best route through the programme?

This totally depends on your goal. Below is a list of common situations that may apply to you. 

If You: 

  • have a young horse that you want to start yourself - we would recommend Levels 1-3
  • have a horse who is already started under saddle and you want to have a health check working through Levels 1-3 will bring up any hole in their foundation and help you fix it. 
  • have a specific goal ie. Trailer Loading. Then go to Level 3 and find your goal and start from there. Be aware you may need to go back a step if you have not completed the pre-requisits for your chosen course
  • want to have fun with your horse then look at the Transformations and work through those
  • are looking for inspiration or a one off lesson, the take a look at the Audio Guides

How much time should I put aside for this?

Training plans come in all shapes and sizes. The point of this programme is that you can follow it as fast or as slow as you like. 

For a young horse coming to start with us, we would expect to take them through Levels 1-3 in 8-12 weeks. This is with 1 session a day 5-6 days a week. You could do this over a whole year, or longer! Some people like to use this as their only training plan, others like to thread it in to the work they are doing already. 

The key is that you work with your horse - where they excel you push them forwards, where they struggle, you take your time and go over things with care. 

Remember that you can also jump through some elements of the programme on clinics or in person and if you are stuck on something you can book online coaching and support! 

How long do I have access to each course?

All courses, transformations, audios and live sessions are available to all members for as long as your membership term. So, if you are paying monthly then you will have them for every month until the point you stop paying. If you have an annual then you have access to them until the end of your paid year ends. 

What's included in the annual and monthly memberships?

The content is the same on both membership plans, however the price is less over 12 months if you are paying annually. We do this because it also helps us if you buy annually, so that we can better predict our income and plan our year - so as a way of saying thank you we offer a discount and often some extra gifts if you chose that option!

When does my membership expire?

You membership will automatically renew at the end of each cycle. So if you pay monthly it will renew monthly, if you pay annually it will renew yearly. 

How do I change my billing information?

For all personal information you can head to the "My Account" area in the menu at the top of the page and manage your information and membership plan

Key Resources

Downloads across the site that may be useful
Our 2024 Content Release Schedule
Dates of releases of all elements of the programmes
Programme Overview / Map
A breakdown of every part of the foundation programme and how it fits together.
Working through the programme
Different suggested routes through the programme

#onlinecourses | #community | #in person training 

Building Confident, Connected horses together

Our vision is to create a space where you can work with your horse at home with structure & support to solve problems and build a complete foundation. 
Our programme is broken in to bite sized pieces that can be followed in a specific order or worked through as individual units. It doesn't matter your level or how much time you have you can do it in your own time and in your own way
 Our mission is to take horse and rider partnerships to the next level, remove barriers and increase you and your horse's self-confidence.
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